Thursday, November 6, 2008


My incredible friend, Cami, tagged me and reading hers brought back tons of memories together! We are all unique in so many ways - these silly tags make me appreciate all of my friends and what makes them special in my life! Enjoy!

8 Favorite TV Shows:

1. The Biggest Loser

2. 24 (Miss our 24 buddies...)

3. The Hills

4. House Hunters

5. Food Network Challenge

6. Property Virgins

7. Bringing Home Baby

8. American Idol

8 Things I did Yesterday:

1. Played with Alina (this includes A LOT!)

2. Went for a walk

3. Cooked Dinner

4. Folded laundry

5. Cleaned up

6. Took a shower

7. AND blew my hair dry (a huge accomplishment some days!)

8. found out Prop 8 passed!

8 Things I look forward to:

1. Christian being done with school

2. Buying our first house

3. Alina learning how to talk

4. Running a half marathon

5. Thanksgiving in FL!

6. Christmas Shopping

7. Meeting Jess and Christopher's baby boy

8. Getting enough sleep - someday!

8 Favorite Restaurants:

1. Bern's Steakhouse

2. Brio Tuscan Grill

3. Amura

4. Tijuana Flats

5. PF Changs

6. Five Guys

7. Chipotle

8. Papa Joe's

8 Things on My Wish List:

1. A Trip to Hawaii

2. A Highlander Hybrid (graphite color)

3. A House

4. No more dirty dishes

5. A self-folding laundry room

6. warm winter in Utah - right!

7. Alina not falling and hurting herself anymore

8. Christian knowing how much he REALLY means to me...

4th Picture in my 4th File:

It's a picture in a series where Alina was learning to pick up Cheerios and transfer them successfully from highchair to mouth! It was a monumentous occasion (She did it too!)

8 People I tag:

Whoever wants to be tagged! I know, kind of a cop-out, but I recommend it... It was hard for me to come up with some of these... I had to really think (and Christian helped too!)

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